Not everybody visits your website with good intentions. Hidden among your loyal visitors are hackers, phishers, and data miners. These people work overtime coming up with new ways to create havoc, steal sensitive information, and corrupt your website. That’s why it’s essential to check your website security. And this website security checklist can help!
We can’t tell you how many people procrastinate making sure their website is secure. We know. We waited. We want to keep you from suffering the heartache of waking up one day to find out your business is halted and you have to recreate your entire website.
Fill out the form today and keep your website safe.
You can protect your website, your clients, and your company’s reputation.
Hit-the-Web Marketing and Carol Scalzo have been working with us for the past few years. Initially, Carol designed and implemented our website(2011), then redid it this year (2013).
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