Website Strategy
& Planning
Purpose. “What’s the point of our website?”
Vision. “Where’s your website/business going?”
Audience. “Are we giving your visitors a good experience?”
The Right Tactics. “SEO, Paid Ads, or Social Media?”
Measurement. “How do we know if your website is effective & we’re getting a ROI?”
can provide huge dividends for a business. The purpose of user research is figuring out what your visitors’ objectives are when visiting your website. The User Persona is going to help you plan your content strategy.
The Journey. Listing out a step-by-step process on how a user persona would navigate your website and find the information they’re looking for will provide insights into designing a user-friendly website. A user persona that reflects your target audience will give you an understanding of everything you need to know about your visitors, from how to map your wireframes to where to place content for the people it is meant to serve.
We develop a wireframe or diagram, that shows how content flows from page to page. This shows how your website displays the products or services that you offer. We help you prioritize your products or services for easy accessibility while other less important pages can be deeper in the site’s navigation. A carefully thought out wireframe also helps determine the placement of individual elements on a page.
With over a billion websites, attracting visitors to your site is as important, and as difficult, as ever. As business owners, we have to measure and analyze a number of crucial metrics in order to improve our strategies, stay relevant with our target audience, and fight for the attention of the internet’s three billion users.
For Lead Generating websites, measure the Traffic, Traffic Source, Lead Volume, Conversion Rate, Revenue originating from web leads, Cost Per Lead, and Revenue Per Visit. Most importantly….
Are your CUSTOMERS Satisfied?
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