LIVE Online WebinarHit-the-Web Marketing - Website Security Live Webinar

The WordPress Website Security Training Program


FREE Website Security Training Webinar

Live Online Event
We recently developed a presentation showing signs a WordPress website has been hacked and what businesses can do to protect their website from hackers, malware, and any other cyber threats. We’ll show you what to put in place to protect your online investment and growing net worth of online assets.
As part of this webinar, we will provide you with key takeaways and actionable steps that you can take immediately to protect your website and decrease the amount of time you have to spend preventing and responding to cyber-attacks.
This webinar starts on June 3, 2020 at 2 pm EST.
Jun 3, 2020 WEBSITE SECURITY Live Webinar June 3, 2020 2pm
Registering today Reserves Your Space.
This session will be recorded and emails with links will be sent to those that register. Even if you do not know if you can attend, register so that you can get the recording.

13 Signs Your Website Has Been Hacked

  • WordPress websites are the most targeted for cyber-attacks
  • Websites not having proper security or are infected with malware will performance worse and have less traffic
  • It can be time-consuming and complex to properly protect a WordPress website
  • The threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches is always present and increasing every day
  • Website cyber-attacks can cause significant business disruptions
  • Minimize costs from ransomware, legal fee, lawsuits, fines, downtime.
  • Secure the investment in and net worth of your website
  • Augment your existing staff with deep IT security technical expertise
  • Decrease the stress that comes with worrying if the site is fully protected and working through any day-to-day issues and complexity

Register for the Website Security Webinar

14 + 3 =

Registering today Reserves Your Space.
This session will be recorded and emails with links will be sent to those that register. Even if you do not know if you can attend, register so that you can get the recording.
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